Premium Bleaching and Dental Hygiene in Mainz

Brighten Your Smile and Maintain Oral Health

A radiant smile with sparkling white teeth is often regarded as a key indicator of personal well-being and professional success. Despite this, substances like tobacco, caffeine, and othercolor-intensive foods can leave unwanted stains on your teeth. At our Mainz dental clinic, we counter these effects with professional teeth whitening (bleaching), customizing the treatment to achieve your desired shade.

Furthermore, regular professional dental cleanings are essential in maintaining the brightness and health of your smile. These cleanings effectively remove plaque and tartar, helping to prevent periodontal disease while keeping your teeth beautifully white.

Experience the combined benefits of our cosmetic and preventive dental services to enhance and maintain your dazzling smile.

Professional teeth cleaning in our Mainz dental clinic

Professional teeth cleaning at our clinic involves a thorough process designed to remove plaque, tartar, and stains that regular brushing can't reach. This procedure not only enhances the aesthetics of your smile but also plays a critical role in maintaining overall oral health. Here’s how we do it:

  1. Plaque Detection: We start by applying a disclosing solution that makes plaque visible, ensuring no areas are missed.
  2. Tartar Removal: Using specialized tools like scalers and ultrasonic devices, we carefully remove tartar from above and below the gum line.
  3. Interdental Cleaning: Cleaning the spaces between teeth with special scrapers or interdental brushes.
  4. Tooth surfaces Cleaning: Cleaning the tooth surfaces and removing stains and deposits using the AirFlow technique.
  5. Polishing and Sealing: After, we polish teeth with a gentle, abrasive paste that removes surface stains. Finally, a protective sealant is applied to help prevent future plaque buildup.
  6. Fluoride Treatment: We conclude with a fluoride gel application to strengthen tooth enamel and help fight decay.

Key Points about Bleaching at a Glance

  • In-Office Bleaching: Your teeth can be lightened within two hours at our dental clinic.
  • Home Bleaching: Depending on the desired level of whitening, you will wear a specially made bleaching tray overnight for one to two weeks.
  • Costs: €449 for in-office bleaching; costs for home bleaching vary depending on whether a new tray needs to be made or if one is already available.
  • Duration of Effect: The effect lasts about two years.

In-Office vs. Home Bleaching: Which Method Is Best and How does it work?

There are several methods to whiten teeth. All fundamentally work the same: bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide penetrate the enamel and dentin, turning discolored molecules into colorless ones through the release of radicals. The differences lie in the application and the results.
Here is an overview of cosmetic teeth whitening options:

Over-the-Counter Bleaching Products

Bleachingstrips contain only a negligible amount of hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, the effects are minimal. They hardly reach the interdental spaces, and gum protection is not always guaranteed. These products can worsen existing damage to the teeth without dental supervision.

Home Bleaching

Professional bleaching gel contains more bleaching agents, enabling significant whitening of even heavily stained teeth. With home bleaching, you receive individually made trays from our dentists, which you use at home for bleaching. Our dentists will explain exactly what to pay attention to. You will wear the tray overnight for one to two weeks to achieve the desired result.

In-Office Bleaching

In just one session, we bleach your teeth directly in our dental clinic. If you want optimal results quickly and prefer not to manage anything yourself, in-office bleaching is the right choice. Our specially trained staff ensure that your teeth and gums are protected.

Bleaching of Root-Treated Teeth

After a root treatment, teeth may sometimes darken due to fillings or medications. Internal bleaching can help here. The bleaching agent is placed directly inside the tooth to lighten the teeth within five to seven days.

Process of In-Office Bleaching (Professional teeth whitening)

At our in-office bleaching procedures, you can lighten individual teeth or the entire row of teeth, usually in just one appointment!

  1. Consultation: First, we discuss the shade of white you desire for your teeth. On average, teeth lighten by two to three shades during the treatment. We assess your current tooth color with a shade guide and check the results of the whitening later. We are happy to show you before-and-after pictures of other bleachings so you can better gauge potential results.
  2. Examination and professional dental cleaning: Before the procedure, we check if you are suitable for the treatment. Caries, leaky fillings, enamel defects, or fractures should be treated before the whitening. For a uniform and beautiful result, a professional dental cleaning should additionally be performed before any bleaching treatment, during which teeth are cleaned and deposits removed. Fillings, crowns, bridges, or veneers cannot be lightened by bleaching, so color differences may occur.
    The treatment is not suitable for pregnant women.
  3. Teeth Whitening: After carefully protecting the gums, we apply the bleaching agent, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. A lamp or soft laser activates the bleaching agent, enhancing its whitening effect. Depending on the desired result, this may be repeated. Crowns, bridges, and fillings do not change color. Our dentists naturally take this into account to achieve a harmonious overall result. After about two hours, you leave our dental office with your new brighter smile.

Costs of Bleaching in Our Mainz Practice

Home bleaching is somewhat cheaper than in-office bleaching, which costs around €449. However, in-office bleaching is more convenient for our patients. Unfortunately, health insurance does not cover the costs of teeth whitening. We are happy to discuss with you in advance in our Mainz practice how much the costs will be in your individual case.

What do our patients say?

"I have been a patient at the practice for years. My teeth are in good condition, and I regularly have professional dental cleanings. Most recently, I had my teeth whitened through bleaching, and I was thrilled with the results. I really like the new dental office, and the staff there are extremely friendly."
(Translated from German, Source: Jameda)

Everything at a glance

Preventive dentistry

Maintaining ahealthy and bright smile with our professional teeth cleaning services.

Dental aesthetics

Enhancing yournatural smile with our bleaching services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Information about your treatments can be found here.

Is Bleaching harmful to the Teeth?

With gentle treatment, no damage usually occurs to healthy teeth. A 2023 study indicates that whitening can lead to surface roughness and mineral loss, but remineralization occurs naturally. If you want to support this process, you can drink calcium-rich milk and apply appropriate remineralization gels. Good dental care is also important.

Is teeth whitening painful?

Applying the bleaching agent is not painful. However, sensitivities may cause mild pain after the treatment, but this typically disappears on its own shortly thereafter.

What side effects can occur?

After bleaching, teeth may become sensitive to temperature changes and react with slight pain to hot or cold. However, this phenomenon is generally not a long-lasting side effect. We apply a remineralization gel after the bleaching, which reduces initial sensitivity and can also be continued at home. There are no known risks to the body or allergies associated with this treatment.

What can patients eat after bleaching?

After teeth whitening, your teeth are sensitive and prone to absorbing color pigments. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid strongly colored and acidic foods and drinks for the first three days post-bleaching. This includes foods and beverages like curry, beets, bell peppers, ketchup, dark tea, coffee, alcohol, and candies with colorants. Opt for lighter-colored foods like rice, cauliflower, and dairy products.

How should teeth be brushed after bleaching?

Avoid using whitening toothpaste as it can be harsh on your currently very sensitive teeth. Mouthwashes are also not recommended immediately after bleaching as they may contain colorants. It is best to use a gentle toothpaste, possibly with a fluoride gel, and apply minimal pressure when brushing.

How often can bleaching be repeated?

This depends on your oral health. Generally, it is possible to repeat the bleaching every two to three years. We would be happy to discuss with you personally when it is advisable to undergo another whitening session.

Dr. Kraus

Why Dr. Kraus dental clinic?

  • From initial consultation to post-treatment follow-up, patients receive comprehensive care tailored to their individual needs.

  • Multilingual Staff: Catering to a diverse patient base with a multilingual staff, ensuring clear communication and understanding.

  • Patient Comfort and Satisfaction: A focus on creating a comfortable and anxiety-free environment for patients, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

  • State-of-the-Art Technology for precise diagnostics and treatments, ensuring optimal outcomes with minimal discomfort.

  • Experienced Team: Led by Dr. Kraus, the clinic boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced dentists committed to excellence in patient care.

Do you have questions about implants or would like to consult whether and what treatment is right for you?

Call us at 06131–55 30 90 or schedule an appointment!
We're here to help. Your team at Dr. Kraus Dental Clinic.